International Scientific Conference Held in the Land of Innovation and Honey
Last week,
Israel was host to over 400 young, emerging scientists from 71 countries and 15
Nobel Laureates, from around the world, who came together to participate in WorldScience Conference (WSCI). In the words
of Nobel Laureate Professor Roger Kronberg, chairman of WSCI’s Academic
committee, conference provides “a platform for inspiration, dialogue and
discussion between promising young talents and the attending Nobel Laureates
and eminent scientists” in areas ranging from physics, chemistry, life sciences
and math.
inspirational Israeli researchers, working on a scientific poster in
multi-national groups and presenting to Nobel laureates, watching multicultural
presentations from all over the world - these are only part of the things theparticipants experienced at the WSCI.
Alongside the
activities for the young scientists, the WSCI included special sessions that brought
together the Nobel laureates and eminent members of the academia together with
leading figures of the industry from Israel and abroad, discussing mutual
connections between fundamental science and its applications.
The WSCI in
Israel was designed to emphasize the strengths and advantages of the
"Israeli spirit” that applies creativity and groundbreaking thinking to successfully
combine basic and applied science.
The initiative
to hold this unique international event in Israel goes hand-in-hand with Israel's
leading global role in areas of science and it’s commitment to channel its
innovative energy towards making the world a better place.
Shabbat Shalom,
Yaron Sideman
Consul General Of Israel,
Mid-Atlantic Region
Consul General Of Israel,
Mid-Atlantic Region