Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Jan 2/2015

This week we saw an example of how the U.N. can be used as a vehicle to promote global initiatives for the betterment of the world and another example of how it can be misused to the world's detriment.

On the positive side, this week Israel's Entrepreneurship for Development resolution was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. The resolution encourages all U.N. agencies to promote entrepreneurship for development, enable growth, and help overcome bureaucracy, social barriers and lack of funding for initiatives. "It's important for us as Israelis, who are known for being leaders in entrepreneurship and innovation, to use our experience for promoting financial growth and ideas for development on a global scale. Talent is everywhere, but opportunities need to be given in order to make a significant change," said Hadas Meitzad, Israel's Counsellor for Economic and Social Affairs, echoing the sentiment held by all Israelis.

On the negative side, this week Palestinian leadership presented the Security Council with a draft resolution essentially seeking to impose on Israel a diktat that would undermine its security and put its future in peril. Rather than engaging in direct negotiations with Israel over peace -- in which both sides would be required to make compromises -Mahmoud Abbas and his administration attempted once again to force their positions on Israel through third party pressure. Not only would this not advance peace, but it would harm chances for peace by eroding the already damaged trust between the two sides. Luckily, the Palestinian initiative was defeated this time in large part due to the diplomatic relations that Israel has cultivated and developed in Africa and in eastern and central Europe and the support and help of allies like the United States and Australia.

Two developments at the U.N that occurred this week, one illustrating how the U.N can be utilized productively and responsibly to carry out its mission, the other  an illustration of how the U.N can be used as a political platform for perpetuating hatred and animosity, against its stated mission.

Let us all reflect on the significance of these events as we enter a new year.

Shabbat Shalom,
Yaron Sideman
Consul General Of Israel,
Mid-Atlantic Region

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