Friday, May 1, 2015

May 01/2015

Nepal Matters

This week, Nepal’s Foreign Minister thanked Israel’s Foreign Minister for the extensive aid Israel has provided following the devastating earthquake that hit their country on Saturday April 25th. In the past few days, Israel has sent shipments of medical and humanitarian aid, established a field hospital, and dispatched search and rescue teams throughout the region. Israel’s Foreign Minister has assured his Nepalese counterpart that in addition to immediate emergency assistance, Israel is committed to Nepal's long term reconstruction and rehabilitation.

Upon receiving the first reports of the earthquake, Israel immediately initiated the supply of emergency humanitarian aid. The first Israeli rescue plane landed in Kathmandu on Sunday (April 26th). On the same day, Magen David Adom (Israel's Red Cross) sent a plane to Nepal with a delegation of doctors and paramedics.

A 260 member mission from the Home Front Command was sent to Nepal on Monday (April 27th), arriving in five planes and, loaded with emergency aid.

The mission rapidly established and opened an advanced multi-department hospital in Kathmandu, equipped with approximately 95 tons of humanitarian and medical supplies from Israel and a medical staff of 122 doctors, nurses and paramedics, to provide care for disaster casualties. The hospital has the equipment, capacity and manpower to treat approximately 200 patients each day.

The mission also comprises highly skilled search and rescue teams from the IDF National Search and Rescue Unit, who commenced operations in Kathmandu on Tuesday (April 28th).

Last week we celebrated Israel’s Independence Day. Chief among the many qualities and achievements Israel has amassed in its 67 years of existence is establishing itself as a proud, respected and most importantly, a contributing member of the international community, committed to sharing its expertise and knowhow with other countries in need.

Israel has demonstrated that commitment time and time again over the years in the international arena, assisting countries in the immediate aftermath of both natural and man-made disasters. In the recent past, Israeli emergency aid missions have provided vital assistance to the Philippines, Japan, Haiti, and other disaster-stricken countries.

This week and for the foreseeable future, this commitment is being demonstrated in the immediate and extensive aid Israel is providing Nepal, putting into practice the Jewish value of “Tikkun Olam” – repairing the world, and underscoring the shared values between Israel and the US. 
Time and again Israel is amongst the first countries to respond, and with a significant deployment of resources. The case of Nepal is no exception.

We must never lose sight of the plight of others. We must stand with them and help them in their times of need. Today, Israel is proud to be standing shoulder to shoulder with the people of Nepal during this very challenging time.

Shabbat Shalom,
Yaron Sideman
Consul General Of Israel,
Mid-Atlantic Region

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